
2018 |
- Selective Thoracic Fusion with Guan-Din Method: Personal experience. Decoding the Tai Chi Pedicle screw placement: personal experience in correction of scoliosis more than 100 degrees.台灣脊椎外科醫學會107年會員大會暨第26次學術研討會,台北(March 31, 2018)
- 太極椎弓根釘植入法解密-矯正超過100度側彎之個人經驗。中華中醫藥學會骨傷科分會2018年度學術年會,北京(May 25-27, 2018)
- Smith-Peterson Osteotomy for Failed Correction of Rigid Spine Deformity,BIT's 5th Annual World Congress of Orthopaedics 2018,Milano ( July 25~27, 2018 )

2017 |
- Tai Chi Pedicle Screw Placement for Severe Scoliosis. Guan-Din Method for Selective Thoracic Fusion. The philippine Spine Society and the Philippine Orthopaedic Association, Philippine (October 9-11, 2017)
- STF in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis,國際脊椎手術學術研討會,台中,(October 21, 2017)

2015 |
- Update in Surgical Management of Idiopathic Scoliosis,台灣脊椎外科醫學會 2015脊椎醫學研習營,台北 (Jan 10, 2015)
- Guan-Din Method for Selective Thoracic Fusion-Goals and Techniques,台灣脊椎外科醫學會,台北 (Mar 14, 2015)
- Surgical treatment of degenerative lumbar kyphoscoliosis,中華民國骨科醫學會中區月會,台中 (Mar 21, 2015)

2014 |
- Surgical Classification of Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis,中華民國骨科醫學會,台中 (April 19, 2014)
- 逆轉人生,臺中榮民總醫院嘉義分院,嘉義 (June 6, 2014)
- Surgical Treatment of Degenerative Kyphoscoliosis,中區骨科醫學會,嘉義(Aug 24, 2014)
- Guan-Din Method (灌頂法) for Selective Thoracic Fusion. ICSS第二屆國際華人脊柱學會,高雄 (Sep 27, 2014)
- Topic B: Scoliosis Surgery 畸形矯正手術. ICSS第二屆國際華人脊柱學會,中正骨科醫院,高雄 (Sep 28, 2014)

2013年 |
- 灌頂法用於選擇性胸段側凸融合術,2013北京國際脊柱外科高峰論壇,北京 (April 12-14, 2013)
- Major thoracic compensatory lumbar curves treated by selective thoracic fusion using cantilever bending and direct vertebral rotation (灌頂法),台灣脊椎外科醫學會夏季季會,台中 (July 13, 2013)
- Guan-Din Method (灌頂法): A Novel Surgical Technique for Selective Thoracic Fusion to Maximize the Rate of STF and Compensatory Correction,第三屆北京大學國際脊柱外科高峰論壇 2013北大-哈佛國際脊柱外科高峰論壇,北京 (October 19-20, 2013)
- Cantilever Bending and Direct Vertebral Rotation (灌頂法) for Selective Thoracic Fusion,中華民國骨科醫學會,台北 (October 26-27, 2013)
- Update of Surgical Treatment of Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis,102年骨科醫學會“中區月會”,台中 (November 16, 2013)

2012 |
- Cantilever Bending and Direct Vertebral Rotation for Selective Thoracic Fusion - Optimizing the Quality of Correction and Maximizing the Quantity of Curves Treatable with STF,廣州國際脊椎畸形高峰論壇暨廣東省醫學會小兒骨科學組年會,廣州( July 27~29, 2012 )
- Cantilever Bending and Direct Vertebral Rotation for Selective Thoracic Fusion -Optimizing the Quality of Correction and Maximizing the Quantity of Curves Treatable with STF. Asia Spine 2012 & Taiwan Neurospinal Society, Kaohsiung city, Taiwan (September 7-9, 2012)
- Cantilever Bending and Direct Vertebral Rotation for Selective Thoracic Fusion -Optimizing the Quality of Correction and Maximizing the Quantity of Curves Treatable with STF. 首屆國際華人脊柱學會成立大會暨首屆學術研討會,蘇州(September 27-29, 2012)

2011 |
- 脊椎健康 快樂人生,洪鈞培文教基金會公益系列講座,台北中正紀念堂(Jan 9,2011)
- Tai Chi Pedicle Screw Placement For Severe Scoliosis, The Eighth Peking Union Medical College Hospital Bone and Joint Surgery Technology Development Forum – Spine Section (May 27-29, 2011) Beijing

2010 |
- Quality control of reconstructed sagittal balance for sagittal imbalanc 北京國際脊椎外科高峰論壇解放軍總醫院 北京 (April 23)
- Quality control of reconstructed sagittal balance for sagittal imbalance The 3rd jishuitan orthopaedic forum Beijing 北京 (April 23-25)
- 脊柱畸型之手術治療,吉林長春中醫大學附屬醫院 骨科論壇,長春(April 26)
- 脊柱畸型之手術治療,雲南昆明縣第二人民醫院 骨科論壇,昆明(Sep 16)
- 退行性腰椎畸形之治療,福建省第十一次骨科醫學會,莆田(Sep 10-12)
- 洗髓灌頂法,吉林長春中醫大學附屬醫院 骨科論壇,長春(Oct 11)

2009 |
- Cantilever Bending and Direct Vertebral Rotation for AIS
第一屆中國SRS國際學術會議, 北京(May 15-17, 2009)
- 脊椎畸型矯正之戰爭論, 2009年第四屆湖北省骨科新技術學術研討會,
武漢(May 17-18)
- 嚴重脊柱後突的處理. 第三屆中國國際骨科學術會議, 北京(Aug 7-9, 2009)
- New Techniques in Scoliosis Surgery. 台南奇美醫院神經外科醫學會(Sep 19, 2009)
- Surgical treatment of Lumbar Degenerative Kyphoscoliosis.退變性腰椎側後凸畸形的手術治療.國際脊柱畸型研究組中國部2009第二屆中國脊柱側凸年會, 西安(Oct 10-11, 2009)
- Taiwanese contributions to orthopedic surgery, Reduction-Fixation spinal system. 台灣骨科醫學會 (Oct 24-25, 2009)
- 脊椎畸型之手術治療. 澳門骨科醫學會 (Nov 25, 2009)
- Closing-opening Wedge Osteotomy for Sagittal Imbalance, 29th Annual Congress of the Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association (Nov 28, 2009)

2008 |
- Enhanced Capacity for Spontaneous Correction of Lumbar Curve in the Treatment of
Major Thoracic–Compensatory C Modifier Lumbar Curve Pattern in Idiopathic
Scoliosis. Third International Congress of Spine Deformity and NonFusion Techniques (SDNT), Shanghia China (March 15-16, 2008).
- A New Approach for Selective Thoracic Fusion. 選擇性胸段側凸融合術之新思維, 國際脊柱畸型研究組中國部2008首屆中國脊柱側凸年會, 西安( July 12-13, 2008)
- 脊椎畸型矯正, 2008年骨科年會, 浙江台州醫院 (Sep 11-14, 2008)
- Correction of Large Scoliosis 高級脊椎手術技術研討會, 台北榮總 (Sep 20-21, 2008)
- 脊椎畸型矯正之戰爭論, 2008脊椎新技術高級研討會, 廣州省第一人民醫院 (Oct 11-12, 2008)

2007 |
- Osteotomies for Correction of Kyphotic Deformity. 上海國際脊椎畸型研討會,上海(April 8,2007).
- How to Safely Approximate the Best Possible Correction of Scoliosis with the Least Segments Involvement. 上海國際脊椎畸型研討會,上海(April 8,2007).
- Osteotomies for Correction of Kyphotic Deformity. 海峽兩岸脊椎外科研討會,上海(April 9,2007).
- How to Safely Approximate the Best Possible Correction of Scoliosis with the Least Segments Involvement. 海峽兩岸脊椎外科研討會,上海(April 9,2007).
- Osteotomies for Correction of Kyphotic Deformity. 南京骨科醫學會,南京(April 10,2007).
- How to Safely Approximate the Best Possible Correction of Scoliosis with the Least Segments Involvement. 南京骨科醫學會,南京(April 10,2007).
- New techniques for deformities correction,河北醫科大學,河北省石家莊(April 5, 2007).
- Surgical correction of kyphotic deformity,北京大學第一醫院,北京(April 4, 2007).

2006 |
- Surgical Correction of Spinal Deformities.台南奇美,臺灣神經脊椎外科醫學會(Jun 10,2006).
- Closing Wedge Osteotomy versus Opening Wedge Osteotomy in Ankylosing Spondylitis with Thoracolumbar Kyphotic Deformity.第一屆中國骨科醫學會國際會議,北京(Nov,12-15,2006).
- How to Safely Approximate the Best Possible Correction of Scoliosis with the Least Segments Involvement. 第一屆中國骨科醫學會國際會議,北京(Nov,12-15,2006).
- Sagittal Translation in Opening Wedge Osteotomy for Correction of Thoracolumbar Kyphotic Deformity in Ankylosing Spondylitis. 北京大學第一醫院,北京 (Nov,12-15,2006).
- New Techniques for Surgical Correction of Spinal Deformities. 天津市人民醫院,天津(Nov,12,2006).
- New Techniques for Surgical Correction of Spinal Deformities. 中國第七屆脊椎疾病器械內固定手術新發展學習班,廣東省廣州市(Nov,9-12,2006).
- Surgical correction of kyphotic deformity,廣東省中山市人民醫院,廣東省中山市 (Nov, 8,2006).

2005 |
- Closing Wedge Osteotomy Versus Opening Wedge Osteotomy in Ankylosing Spondylitis with Thoracolumbar Kyphotic Deformity 臺北三總,臺灣脊柱外科醫學會(Apr 16,2005).
- How to Safely Approximate the Best Possible Correction of Scoliosis with the Least Segments Involvement 臺北三總,臺灣脊柱外科醫學會(Apr 16,2005).
- Sagittal Translation in Opening Wedge Osteotomy for Correction of Thoracolumbar Kyphotic Deformity in Ankylosing Spondylitis 臺北三總,臺灣脊柱外科醫學會(Apr 16,2005).
- Sagittal Translation of Spinal Deformities 桃園,北區骨科醫學會(Mar,2005).

2004 |
- Surgical Correction of Spinal Deformities. 彰化,中區醫學會(Nov, 2004).
- Apical Lordosating Osteotomy and Minimal Segments Fixation for Thoracic or Thoraolumbar Osteoporotic Kyphosis due to VCF. Indonesia, 2004.
- How to Safely Approximate the Best Possible Correction of Scoliosis with the Least Segments Involvement. Indonesia, 2004.

2003 |
- Surgical Correction of Spinal Deformities中區醫學會(NOV,2003) 彰化.

2002 |
- Lever Maneuver for Large and Rigid Scoliosis, The Association of surgery, R.O.C. (April 20,2002) 臺北.
- King II Curves Treated by Lever Maneuver, Diapason Club Personal Invitation International History(June26-27,2002), Margaux France,June26-27,2002.

2001 |
- Spinal Deformity Correction With Diapason System by Lever Mechanism Stryker Spine, Bordox, France (April, 2001).
- Lever Maneuver for Rigid Scoliosis, 7th Stryker Spine Ivitational Symposium, Sardinia, Italy (September,2001).

1994 |
- Surgical Management of Thoracolumbar Injuries, WPOA, (April 27-30,1994) 臺北.

1993 |
- Correction of Throacic Kyphosis in Ankylosing Spondylitis Using Multiple Spinal Osteotomy, and Combined Zielke's DKS and Posture Correction-Fixation, The Orthopaedic Society of R.O.C. (Oct 21-23,1993) 臺北.

1992 |
- One Herbert Double-threated Compression screw fixation of Fixation of Displaced type II Odontoid Fractures, The Orthopaedic Society of R.O.C. (Oct 16-17,1992) 臺北.
- Disc Excision and Interbody Fusion for Lumbar Discogenic Pain, The Orthpaedic Society of R.O.C. (Oct 16-17,1992) 臺北.

1991 |
- Oligosegmental Correction of Post-traumatic Thoracolumbar Angular Kyphosis, The Orthopaedic Society of R.O.C. (Oct 19-20,1991) 臺北.

1990 |
- Late Anterior Decompression for Incomplete Neural Deficit Secondary to Thoracolumbar Fractures, The North America Spinal Society (Aug 8-11,1990) Las Vagas, USA.
- Mechanism of Anatomic Reduction of Thoracolumbar Burst Fractures, The International Conference of Spinal Surgery (Nov 16-18,1990) 臺北.
- Reduction-Fixation Instrumentation System for Unstable Thoracolumbar Fractures The International Conference of Spinal Surgery (Nov 16-18,1990) 臺北.
- Late Anterior Decompression for Incomplete Neural Deficit Secondary to Thoracolumbar Fractures, The Orthopaedic Society of R.O.C. (Oct 19-20,1990) 臺北.
- Degenerative Spondylolisthesis Treated with RF System, The Orthopaedic Society of R.O.C (Oct 19-20,1990) 臺北.
- A RF System for Unstable Thoracolumbar Fractures, The Orthopaedic Society of R.O.C. (Oct 19-20,1990) 臺北.
- Surgical Treatment of Metastatic Tumors of The Spine, The Orthopaedic Society of R.O.C. (Oct 19-20,1990) 臺北.

1989 |
- Surgical Treatment of Metastatic Tumor of The Spine, The Orthpaedic Society of R.O.C. (Oct 19-20, 1989) 臺北.

1987 |
- Distraction Arthodesis for Lumbar Spinal Stenosis Due to soft Tissue Problems, The Orthopaedic Society of R.O.C. (Oct,1987) 臺北.
- Combination Spinal Rod-plate and Transpedicular Screw Instrumentation System for Unstable Thoracolumbar Fractures The Orthopaedic Society of R.O.C.(Oct 19-20,1987) 臺北.

1986 |
- Multiple Noncontiguous Vertebral Injury, The Orthopaedic Society of R.O.C. (Oct 19-20,1986) 臺北.

1985 |
- Four Modification of Harrington Instrumentation, The Orthopaedic Society of R.O.C.(April 19-20,1985) 臺北.